Workshop Dissecting the Colonial House

Workshop and video

Workshop on critical archival practices
3-8 June 2024

During a weeklong workshop in Semarang, in collaboration with UNDIP and Hysteria Collective, we researched the complexity of colonial history and the spatial invasions of the Dutch way of life into the Indonesian archipelago. We tried to broaden our understanding of colonial domestic space and culture, by focusing on the fragments that together form the idea of the colonial house. Starting from the colonial architectural heritage that is still visible in Semarang, specifically the Candi Baru area, we tried to dissect the house room by room and excavate the micro-narratives of spatial detail, organization and use. We established ways to critically analyze and work with this architectural heritage as a spatial archive. We recorded and documented the architecture and mobilized it as archive in order to say something about the colonial past in the present.

The workshop resulted in a collaborative video work which was presented during a public event and discussion. The video work weaves past (archival materials), present (architecture) and intermediate (ghosts) worlds together through artistic, visual and spatial understandings, which opened up other possibilities to communicate and discuss colonial history. Moreover, underexposed aspects of colonial history, such as that of the servants working in the house, were brought to the surface.


Ananta Sadina Rahma Yudhistira, Arindy Givesa, Aulia Safira, Elizabeth Tatiana K. Lalisang, Emely Rya Winarto, Fatahillah FR, Firdausi Refani K.U., Galih Evan Fernanda, Gregorius Tri Hendrawan Manurung, Hanna Mariam Ulfach, Hilya Khalisha Mumtazah, Khansa Aulia, Kwa Stephanie Saviolita Sentiko, Kurniadi Widodo, Laurentia Lucky T.W., Lutfiah Setyo Cahyani, Muhammad Fathur Hidayat, Ninda Aditias Putri, Nita Dwi Estika, Paoletta Holst, Pujo Nugroho, Radhian al Fajar, Radita Pramesti Utami, Resza Riskiyanto, Silmi Fathunnisa, Sirril Wafa, Tiara Esa Wiyanto, Yogi Fajri

Universitas Diponegoro Semarang and Hysteria Collective

FWO, Ghent University, Grobak Hysteria, Universitas Diponegoro

Kurniadi Widodo

Candi Baru neighborhood, Grobak Art Kos / Hysteria, Universitas Diponegoro

Ahmad Khairudin, Arindy Givesa, David Hutama Setiadi, Khansa Aulia, Kurniadi Widodo, and Resza Riskiyanto