
July – December 2025, Residency at WIELS, Brussels


2022 / 2025, Interior(ized) Frontiers. Spatializing colonial housing politics and domestic cultures in the former Dutch East Indies. PhD, Ghent University

In the Dim Light of a Single Hanging Lamp

Workshop Dissecting the Colonial House

Dissecting the colonial house

”Objects that are dear to him”

Menyunting Arsip / Editing the Archive. Resequencing the Tillema Collection

(Resequencing) the Logic of the Tillema Collection

What Bungalows Can Tell / Hal-Hal yang Dikatakan oleh Bungalow

Separated Within Reach

Resequencing the Logic of the Tillema Collections. Engaging Otherwise with the Colonial Archive

‘Neem de vlam, niet de as’ Erfgoedpolitiek in Indonesië

What Bungalows Can Tell

Het koloniale archief documenteren

Conversations from Jan van Eyck Academy at Contemporary HUM


Grand Tour Europa: Explorers, tourists, refugees, global shoppers, exiles, migrants, stateless persons and other adventurers, what do they have in common?

Jungle Europa

Zenne Atlas

Detour Zenne

Transgression/Transition: an exploration of the Zenne and its surroundings

Ambivalent Marseille: immigration and urban strategies